N-paper 0026A by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
List of topics, articles, subject covered .. in the sequence of occurrence over the next 50 pages.
- Richard Lewis comedian explains his secret organic chemistry identity ... Lewis DOT structures and the carbon 12 Tribes of Israel
- World dairy expo in Madison Wisconsin .... with math exponents, IBM BAL, and the University of Wisconsin DANE County secret sting theory APPLICATIONS link to the Danes at the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark
- the dairy expo secret uranium code .. 2385 bovinve and Nitrogen codes
- orbital theory of terror
- name codes ...... Zeena, Zelna, and IQBAL translated
- French police secret CHIP electron codes
- Los Angles RAMS and human bio-computers and RAM Pages --> Rampage
- blood and brain FET circuit software implants
and Alzheimer's
- atomic word --> Islamic
- oxygen and the O = Oklahoma city bombing
- Irish ... human atomic code names
- Judge Maxwell Wiley, Maxwell's DEMONS, and the motorcycles in New York City with
Wojciech Braszczok
- James Clerk Maxwell cycles WAR
- Iraq and Paul Dirac q-variables
- Ross Truett Ashley
- William Jefferson Clinton
- Joel Robbins Math Logic and RA
- Dirac matrices and the shooting at Rice Lake, Wisconsin
- IBM ISAM and Vol = Ser
- Sam Berkowitz Serial killer
- Bios for humans and COLD Start
- actor Sean Penn ---> Pennsylvania problems with electricity and copper
- Richard Poplawski rigged TRIAL in Pittsburg .. 3 copper wires
- Pittsburg Stanton Heights and the Standard Model problems and Pier Oddone
- Pittsburg 1016 Fairfield Street and IBM base 16 problems
- Herbert Spencer sequences and co-existences
- the Grand 16 theater shooting over Grand Unified Theory
- the 16th Street baptist Church bombing LINK to the Emanual African Church shooting in South Carolina
- Richard Poplawski RIGGED trial explains the cover-up about
the President Kennedy assassination and the ROUTE 29 murders
the President Kennedy assassination and the ROUTE 29 murders
- master catalogs
- Sinclair Lewis and Wisconsin and the SALT BRIDGE communication problems
- iron and Ezra Pound and the Boston 26 mile race
- hop scotch game
- blocked data records and Baltimore city blocks
- Zenith brain bio-radio circuits for the ZEN --> citiZEN
- Leon Lederman and human aldehyde molecules of Hyde Park
- oxygen & hydrogen
- Maurice Wilkens DNA
- George Orwell, book 1984 Oceania and Junior Seau of Oceanside
- Max Planck Time and age 43 death in Oceanside
- messenger RNA and Solomon's Organic chemistry
- President CLI computer instruction
- bio-computer subroutine name code --> Osama bin laden
- 1998 and the Tanzania bombing over Electro-magnetic field problems
- USS Cole incident in year 2000 and the Cole Hall shooting
- Bal wars
- polynomial BIO-math life form ..agents
- Rand McNally brain road maps with Lawrence Sanders
- the IRON Maiden death of Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Iron-54 Troop 1054
- Bose-Einstein Condensate and Nikola Tesla echo signature
- Harry Collins and the Science wars
- IBM base 16
- Jerry March advanced organic chemistry
- code word --> Bitch
- Paris shootings in 2015
- George Bush
- Cape Cod code
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Translate and Test MIRROR
News analysis by Herb Zinser using the periodic atomic table elements and their atomic MASS database as the accurate source of information needed to analyze MASS COMMUNICATIONs.
Mass Communications - Virginia State University
www.sola.vsu.edu/.../mass-communications/inde...Welcome to VSU's Department of Mass Communications. ... in film, television, broadcast news, audio and music, radio, public relations and print media.
Virginia State UniversityProgram: Mass Communication: Radio/TV/Film - Joliet ...
catalog.jjc.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=2&poid=368...31Print Degree Planner | Print-Friendly Page. ... Bachelor's degree programs in mass communication encompass four major program areas: advertising/public relations, radio/TV/film, journalism/news editorial/ photojournalism, and multimedia.Mass communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_communicationIn the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio ...
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic human expressions and their idenifers
--> Nitrogen and the 7th Day Adventists religious group
--> The Nitrogen 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
--> Oxygen 16 with Pope Benedict XVI
To understand Nature's system ...we look at the IBM BAL instruction ..... translate and test.
370 Instructions, Reference Guide - SimoTime
TRT, Translate and Test.
UNPK, Unpack ...
Branch and Link Register, BALR, 05, R1,R2 .....
BAL, Branch and Link Instruction, the format is R1,D2(X2,B2) ...
What is the use of TRT instruction and how it is working?
TRT is used to scan a string of characters, searching
for the occurrence of any the characters which are
specified in a translate table.
TRT also sets the condition code to indicate the results
of the scanning operation as follows:
Condition Code Indications
0 ( Zero ) All function bytes
encountered were X�00�.
1 ( Minus ) A nonzero function byte
was found before the end of operand 1
2 ( Positive ) A nonzero function byte
was found at the end of the operand 1
The condition code can be tested using BZ, BNZ, BM, BNM,
BP, or BNP.
The above instruction is used by Basic Assembler Language used on copper-wire main frame computers.
The sequence is .... TRANSLATE and then TEST.
In Nature's COMPUTER EARTH social engineering system ..... variant of that occurs.
A human activity, a human situation is TESTED ..... the results may be okay or the result may involve murder, suicide, crime, war, accident, etc. The nasty results are considered social process control FEEDBACK ERROR signals ...... that need to be translated / analyzed to be understood ..... at the deeper levels of REALITY ...conflicts/anger at levels of subconsciousness that rose to a level of visible display using human display devices.
Hence, the Earth Lab TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Richard Philip Lewis (born June 29, 1947) is an American stand-up comedian and actor.
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis writing with an ink pen .... English words ..... sentences
ending with a period / a dot of ink --> a Lewis DOT structure
Lewis dot structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Lewis structures are diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the ... Lewis structures extend the concept of the electron dot diagram by adding lines between atoms to represent shared pairs in a chemical bond. Lewis structures show each atom and its position in the structure of the molecule using ...
Lewis Structures or Electron Dot Structures - Chemistry - About.com 
chemistry.about.com › ... › Atomic & Molecular Structure
Learn about Lewis structures, also called electron dot structures and get step-by- step help drawing them.
Lewis Structures or Electron Dot Structures in other formats
Lewis Structures or Electron Dot Structures -- social chemistry
requirements of Mr. Lewis ( an incomplete DOT structure) needs the
two bio-physics electron dots of an adult female body/ breast ......
to give him a social chemistry ..... Lewis DOT structure.
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis organic chemistry dress code .....
his carbon black identifier
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis as a carbon atom ..... social chemistry expression agent
Carbon 12 and his carbon atomic / molecular religious group ......
..... the Nature's carbon 12 tribes of Israel
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis and the molecule configuration in his first name ...
R.ch -->
Thus his identifier RCH is completed when his Open mouth .....
communicates VIA his comedy routines
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
..........rd Lewis .... an EARTH LAB human specimen for Nature's research & development .... in language, thought, perception, and comedy
BAL: IBM 360 / 370 Assembly Language 
cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~maurer/SieveE/bal.htmBaylor University
BAL stands for Basic Assembly Language. This is the assembly language for the IBM 360/370/390 series of computers.
World Dairy Expo - Official Site
World Dairy Expo serves as a forum for dairy producers, companies, organizations and other dairy enthusiasts to come together to compete, and to exchange ideas
World Dairy Expo - Official Site
Wo Da ,,,, Expo - O............S
TWo Data exponents OS --> Operating System
2012 World Dairy Expo Results | Animal & Avian Sciences
2012 World Dairy Expo Results | An i mal
2012 World Dairy Expo Results | Alpha/numeric interface male
2012 World Dairy Expo Results | Animal & Avian Sciences
2012 World Dairy Expo Results
2012 COMPUTER World
Dane County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Dane County is a county in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. As of the 2010 census, the population was 488,073, making it the second-most populous county in Wisconsin. The 2015 estimate places the county's population at 523,643. The county seat is Madison, which is also the state capital.
Dane - definition of Dane by The Free Dictionary
Dane (dān) n.
1. A native or inhabitant of Denmark, Europe.
2. A person of Danish ancestry. [Middle English Dan, from Old Norse Danr.] Dane (deɪn) n 1. (Peoples) a native .
1. A native or inhabitant of Denmark, Europe.
2. A person of Danish ancestry. [Middle English Dan, from Old Norse Danr.] Dane (deɪn) n 1. (Peoples) a native .
News about Dairy Expo 2012 Joe Parisi
bing.com/newsWorld Dairy Expo studying options for future growth
Madison · 3 days ago
Dane County Executive Joe Parisi believes the World Dairy Expo should have a say on the future plans of the Alliant Energy Center
Joe Parisi
Joe Par is i
Joe = Job order entry .... Parallel information systems interface
More than 70000 attended 2012 World Dairy Expo - Madison.com 
The Daily Cardinal
World Dairy Expo year 2012 --> number 12
World Dairy Expo .... the EARTH geography LAND surface ....
as a carbon 12 expression platform
...... that humans and animals exist upon ......
as carbon organic chemistry --> social chemistry expression devices.
Dane County, Wisconsin - Official Site
Welcome to Dane County, Wisconsin! I’m Joe Parisi. I have lived in, worked in, and enjoyed all that Dane County has to offer my entire life, and I am ...
Dane County, Wisconsin and JOE Parallel IS message systems
Wisconsin Wisconsin earth
..............sine wave region, oscillations, alternating cycles
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle 
www.excludedmiddle.com/earthquake.htmIn the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
Node --> No + de --> Northern Dekalb (university)
and the
OS = Oscilloscope city of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
..........................................................................sin wave energy
LINK via the
EARTH Oscilloscope of Wisconsin .. SYMBOL Machine LINK to
...........................cope --> Copenhagen region NODE -->
Node --> No + de --> Norway Denmark
with the Os = oscillations at Oslo
Niels Bohr Institute – Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen 
University of Copenhagen
by G Skaarup - 2006
Niels Bohr Institute – Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen ... Meet the world of physics ... Meet students and professors at the Niels Bohr Institute ...Message from Dane (Wisconsin) to Dane (Europe) VIA ..........
................................................sin function.......rope ...........
Wisconsin string theory applications ...to ......rope ...to
Copenhagen Demark ...........
Co................. De --> CODE region with Oslo --> IBM OS/JCL main frame systems
Copenhagen failure to
...open data spaces and communication LINES
More than 70000 attended 2012 World Dairy Expo - Madison.com 
The Daily Cardinal
Oct 9, 2012
Oct 9, 2012
Oc..........12 --> Organic chemistry carbon 12 and the EARTH surface as a carbon platform that humans and animals exist upon / within
Oct 9, 2012
Oct 9, 2012
...... 9, 2 .......--> atomic number 92 message and
the SYMBOL MACHINE mirror ( uranium 92 <---> 29 copper)
As for bovine attendance, 2,385 dairy cattle
As for bovine attendance, 2,385 dairy cattle
As for bovine attendance, 2,385 --> distributive LAW of algebra numbers
23(8 + 5) --> 238 and 235 -->
information pointers to Margaret Mead atomic social science THOUGHT atoms
Above code--> will be held Oct. 2-6 --> information pointer to -->
Oct --> Octagon House near
2-6 --> Highway 26 Watertown, Wisconsin with
Fe = ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 by the Bethesda Lutheran Home ofFe = feeble minded protected agents ...... and math code
2-6 = -4 (minus 4) ..missing 4 H Club members of Iron-54 in year 1954
Words..... Dairy Expo are 9 am to 5 pm --> number 9 5 --> pointer to -->
Martin Luther and the 95 Theses - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Acting on this belief, he wrote the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences,” also known as “The 95 Theses,” a list of questions and propositions for debate. Popular legend has it that on October 31, 1517 Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church.
Territorial | Definition of Territorial by Merriam-Webster
Define territorial: of or relating to land or water that is owned or controlled by a government — territorial in a sentence.
- territorial(adj)of or relating to a territory"the territorial government of the Virgin Islands"; "territorial claims made by a country"
- territorial(adj)displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders"territorial behavior"; "strongly territorial birds"
- territorial(adj)belonging to the territory of any state or ruler"territorial rights"
Territ orbital --> Solar system level .. EARTH orbital
Above --> Four year old Zeena and & 7 year old Zalna ..parents IQBAL
Zeena --> Z electron enabled MIRROR Zee na (north america) --> See Zee
Zalna --> Z algebra north america --> Z = a + bi complex numbers
IQBAL --> Intelligence Quotient + Remainder
with IBM Basic Assembler Language (BAL)
four --> implies 4 DNA nitrogenous bases with nitrogen atomic number 7
Above --> French police -->
.........................chip --> electron circuit chip WARS on the EARTH .......
as an electron expression continuum ...using biology electron structure named --> humans
Above words about electron circuits behavior -->
Wednesday's rampage --- > code words -->
.........esda .....ram ...page --> VSAM esda data space ..computer RAM ,,computer page
VSAM files - IBM 
VSAM ESDS - Tutorialspoint 
Random-access memory (RAM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random-access memory (RAM / r æ m /) is a form of computer data storage. Arandom-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the …
Los Angeles Rams and their Carl Jung collective ...
human bio-computer GROUP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Los Angeles Rams are a professional American football team based in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. ... Los Angeles Rams at Pro Football Reference
Los Angeles Rams Football -
Rams BRAIN data processing News, Scores, Stats ...
Alzheimer's bio-COMPUTER SCIENCE Symptoms
Ad · alzheimerstreatmentoption.comLearn About Alzheimer's bio-computer memory problems ...... Including its Symptoms & Diagnosis.FDA-Approved · Recognizing Symptoms · Talk To Your Doctor
Sy m p toms
Sy mp pt toms -->
System map pointers ATOMS & bio-physics
Brain electron circuits and their software .......BRAIN LANGUAGE road maps
Random-access memory (RAM) schematics / software for
human implants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random-access memory (RAM / r æ m /) is a form of computer data storage. Arandom-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the …
Random-access memory (RAM) schematics
Random-access memory (RAM) sc hemat
--> sub-conscious hematology ...... blood software languages and technology of implants VIA words / diagrams/ flowcharts
A schematic, or schematic diagram, is a representation of the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension.
Random-access memory (RAM) for the huamn biology cell ... a configuarable electron cell
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Random-access memory (RAM / r æ m /) is a form of computer data storage. Arandom-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the …
Memory cell and parallel human memory cell
Main article: Memory cell (binary)
The memory cell is the fundamental building block of computer memory or
human bio-computer memory
human bio-computer memory
Below, the electron circuit ..... that is probably inside your body cells
The SRAM, static ram memory cell is a type of flip-flop circuit, usually implemented using FETs.
... in other words ...
The SRAM (S ram --> Sports Rams football team fans),
static ram memory cell (such as Alzheimer's memory cell)
is a type of flip-flop circuit, usually implemented
using FETs --> FETUS bio-electronics manipulations VIA the womb and the MOTHER's approval of the social science schemes and rackets
Above..in bio-electron terms ..
Body = human body
Body = human body
p-type substrate --. pregnant-type substrate
using FETs --> Warren Buffet of Omaha and his
............................................fet configuration
Page (computer memory)
and shooting RAM Pages using human action figures
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A page, memory page, or virtual page is a fixed-length contiguous block of virtual memory, described by a single entry in the page table.
Isl atomic expressions in human FORMAT
Above words --> killing of 16
Empty chairs honor 168 victims of Oklahoma City bombing ...
Apr 19, 2015 · Video embedded · New York Post Share this: Facebook ... honor 168 victims of Oklahoma City bombing. ... later with survivors and tearful relatives of thedead …
168 victims of Oklahoma
168 victims of Oklahoma
16 8 victims of O --> Oxygen atom mass 16 and atomic number 8
and the EARTH oxygen atmosphere wars with
humans their
LUNG output MOUTH airs / words of nonsense and BS talk
Empty chairs honor 168 victims of Oklahoma City bombing ...
Empty chairs honor 168 victims of Oklahoma City bombing ...
Em pt --> electro-magnetic pointers ...
What Are Mitochondria?
Mitochondria - The Cell - NCBI Bookshelf
The Genetic System of Mitochondria. Mitochondria contain their own genetic system, which is separate and distinct from the nuclear genome of the cell.
Mitochondria, Cell Energy, ATP Synthase | Learn Science at ...
Code words --> atomic (MICheal --> Chea --> Cheat algebra / algorithms)
and vertical columns / horizontal lines (Co lin)
2 Defendants in Manhattan Biker Assault Await Verdict From Judge ... 
The New York Times
Ex-Detective Going to Jail for Role in Manhattan Biker Assault - The ... 
The New York Times
Aug 5, 2015 - Justice Wiley arranged the sentence to ensure that Mr. Braszczok ... 29, 2013, on 178th Street near Wadsworth Avenue during a motorcycle .
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State of MIND and States of Nature....
Supreme Court integers + Manhattan project
.... atomic social sciences and existential physics ....
Supreme Court integers + Manhattan project
.... atomic social sciences and existential physics ....
godzin : Polish » English | PONS 
The Polish-America GODZIN project --> God Z integers with
defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok ......
code ........code --> double-agent code --> for IBM base 2 and integers Z
List of Mathematical Symbols •
R = real numbers,
Z = integers, N ... 
University of Kansas
The prosecution of MATH agents ....... and defense summed up their cases on Friday in the trial of an undercover New York police detective and another man accused of being among several motorcyclists who beat up a driver during a raucous biker rally in September 2013.
The defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok, 34, and Robert Sims, 36, an electrician, have been charged with gang assault and other charges in connection with the attack on Alexian Lien, who was dragged from his Range Rover and pummeled while his wife and infant daughter were in the car.
Both men have waived their right to a jury, and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. He has said he will give his verdict on Tuesday. Nine other bikers have pleaded guilty to assault in the case.
The confrontation between Mr. Lien and the motorcyclists, who were all riding together in a rally organized on the Internet, started on the West Side Highway around 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2013. The swarm of bikers forced the car to stop and surrounded it. Mr. Lien said he felt threatened, accelerated and ran over a biker, crushing his spine.
More than a dozen bikers — among them Detective Braszczok and Mr. Sims — pursued the Range Rover to Wadsworth Avenue and 178th Street, where they broke the windows, dragged him from the car and pummeled him. The episode was recorded on a helmet camera and an iPad belonging to other bikers.
The videos and photographs show Detective Braszczok never laid a hand on Mr. Lien, but he did break the back window of the car and kick the passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
The detective testified that he never intended to hurt Mr. Lien and retreated because he saw the assault and was in fear for his own life. He said he lashed out at the window with his fist after it was broken by a projectile, which he thought had been hurled from inside the car.
Mr. Sims can be seen on the videos trying to pull Mr. Lien’s wife from the car, then walking around the back of the vehicle and stomping on Mr. Lien.
In his closing argument, the lead prosecutor, Joshua Steinglass, said there was no question about what the off-duty detective did that day, only his intent.
“He was not acting alone; he was acting with the pack,” Mr. Steinglass said. “He was acting out of pure rage, not police tactics as the defendant would have you believe. And his actions helped fuel the frenzy that was taking over.”
But the detective’s lawyer, John Arlia, said his client had no clue the other bikers were going to assault Mr. Lien and did not see them as they dragged Mr. Lien from the car. Nor did he know who was in the car when he heard a pop and thought something had been thrown through the back window.
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Wiley ..........
Wiley: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 
John Wiley & Sons
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell and the law CLERKS in the court house --->
Justice Maxwell and the law CLERKS in the court house --->
Wiley: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 
John Wiley & Sons
Listings 1 - 20 - The Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics is well established and authoritative . It covers many ... September 2016, Hardcover (E-book also available). US $105.00 Buy ... by William F. Rosenberger, John M. Lachin. November ...
Reincarnation - Wikipedia 
10 Claims Of SYMBOL and CONCEPT life and its physical Evidence For Reincarnation ......
serious thoughts from one human generation
--> the next generation of SYMBOL & CONCEPT LIFE using a
human physical biology BODY/BRAIN as bio-computer platforms
- Listverse 
Dec 30, 2014 - Independent of the several religions that preach the existence of reincarnation, paranormal investigators routinely investigate incidents of old ...
Therefore we have the merger of Maxwell thoughts and Wiley authors
--> a new generation of human representatives
--> a new generation of human representatives
Wiley --> becomes SYMBOL AN CONCEPTS reincarnation
--> Judge Maxwell Wiley
--> the New York WORLD Series in Probability and Statistics
--> and Nature's data generating EVENT for Judge Maxwell Wiley
Maxwell's demons ......
,,............... demo for Judge Maxwell Wiley
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The biker Stephen Hawking ... and the biker wars .... Manhattan bikers and Waco Texas bikers.
Universities betray Stephen Hawking .. universities ignore the messages.
P. A. M. Dirac - Session IV | American Institute of Physics 
Dirac: I saw him occasionally in the lab. I think probably Cunningham could answer such ..... Well, I was working a great deal on action and angle variables. ... You speak in this paper of the correspondence between q-numbers having an ...
Quantum Theory of Radiation 
University of Colorado Boulder
by E Fermi - Cited by 805 - Related articles
Dirac's theory of radiation is based on a very simple idea; instead of con- sidering an atom and .... if we consider the pair of variables q., p, we get the equations: ...Quantum Theory of math logic thought ....... Radiation
e consider the pair of variables q., p, we get the equations:
e consider the pair of variables q., p, we get the equations:
e consider the pair of variables q., p, we get
Quantum Theory of math logic thought
..... thought and action ... Radiation
.............................................. Rad --> Radford and Virginia TECH message site
Ross Truett Ashley: MATH LOGIC Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ... 
Daily Mail
Ross Truett Ashley:
Truth table at Virginia TECH ... and the bull-shit they feed the living Constiution of the United States .........
per Virginia Constitution,
Monticello (mo cell --> Moleuclar cell biology O --> Zero = 0 -->
start year 1776 of Nature's molecular
social engineering PROJECT PLAN
and Thomas Jefferson --> with year 2000 PROPER NOUN ....
information pointer codes -->
William Jefferson Clinton -->
William--> Will --> Wisconsin / illinois geography region and people WITH the book ---> World is Will / determination/ effort
William Jefferson Clinton -->
William Jefferson Clinton -->
Wi ........Jefferson C --> Wisconsin Jefferson County
Wi ........Jefferson CL --> Wisconsin JCL (IBM OS/JCL system 370)
William Jefferson Clinton -->
William Jefferson Clinton -->
Wi ........Jefferson C --> Wisconsin Jefferson County LINK to
Chicago Illinois --> Jefferson street and Roosevelt Road ....
United Parcel service
William Jefferson Clinton -->
William Jefferson Clinton -->
Wi ........Jefferson C --> Wisconsin Jefferson County
Wi ........Jefferson CL TON --> Clifford Lane TONS of an airplane that crashed ........................
Quantum Theory of math logic thought
..... thought and action ... Radiation
.............................................. Rad --> Radford and Virginia TECH message site
Ross Truett Ashley: MATH LOGIC Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ... 
Daily Mail
Ross Truett Ashley:
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Logical Operations and Truth Tables 
Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University,
Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University,
Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Ra
University of Wisconsin Madison --> Joel (bio-math logic) Robbins
RA --> Recursive Arithmetic
Robbin Math Logic | Logic Matters at Ra --> Radford University
Thor Heyerdahl. The Ra Expeditions (Ra I and Ra II) to Barbados. 
The Ra Expedition
Kon‑Tiki Museum
The Ra Expeditions Revisited - Pacific Lutheran University 
Pacific Lutheran University
The Ra Expeditions Revisited - Pacific Lutheran University 
The Ra Expeditions Revisited - Pacific Lutheran University 
The Ra Expeditions Revisited - Pacific Lutheran University 
The Ra ......editions Revisited at University of Wisconsin, Madison
Mathematical Logic:
A First Course - Joel W. Robbin - Google Books 
Robbin Math Logic |secret code ......
above author name signal --> CPo --> route to
Star Wars math department at University of Wisconsin
Biological LIFE forms with
.....logic and atomic, bio-physics matters
Joel W. Robbin's Mathematical Logic: A First Course (W. A Benjamin, 1969, ... 3 introduces what Robbin calls 'First-order (Primitive) Recursive Arithmetic' (RA).
C-3PO (See-Threepio) | StarWars.com 
Star Wars
[PDF]PAM Dirac and the Discovery of Quantum Mechanics 
by K Gottfried - 2010 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Jun 23, 2010 - Dirac was one of the great theoretical physicist of all times. ..... Dirac began with sections introducing his notation for q-numbers having discrete and/or con-. 8 ... n are canonically conjugate variables, and are still c-numbers!
Field Theory Revisited 
by C Piron - 2002 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
arXiv:physics/0204083v1 [physics.gen-ph] 29 Apr 2002. Field Theory Revisited ... Abstract: Following P. A. M. Dirac's critique in “Lectures on Quantum Field Theory
Chai Vang and the Dirac matrices battle at Rice Lake Wikipedia 
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder.
Vang shot eight people while on a hunting trip in Rice Lake, Wisconsin ...
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang shot eight people while on a hunting trip in the Rice Lake area of northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were left wounded.
Vang acknowledged shooting the people, but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute over a deer stand to become violent and escalate into multiple deaths.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul (DIRAC),, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Saint Paul (DIRAC),Saint Paul (DIRAC) and Rice lake -->
Vang acknowledged shooting the people, but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute over a deer stand to become violent and escalate into multiple deaths.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul (DIRAC),, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Saint Paul (DIRAC),Saint Paul (DIRAC) and Rice lake -->
...................DIRAC mat.RICE.s ...... WAR played out at Rice Lake using Charles Darwin selection of proper nouns/ keywords
..... thus a human from the city of St.Paul
...for the information pointer St.Paul (Dirac) and the
selection of proper noun RICE --> Rice Lake --> to represent matrices
...a word with the algebra subset word --> rice
Matrices --> mat ...rice ..s
ISAM - Wikipedia 
What is ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method)? - Definition from ... 
searchdatacenter.techtarget.com › Mainframes › Database
ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) is a file management system developed at IBM that allows records to be accessed either sequentially (in the order they were entered) or randomly (with an index). ... An employee database may have several indexes, based on the information being ...
ISAM- Indexed Sequential Access Method. - IT Professionals 
zmainframes.com/blog/isam-indexed-sequential-access-method/Aug 7, 2015 - ISAM (pronounced “eye sam”) stands for Indexed Sequential Access Method ... ISAM is a file management system developed at IBM that allows ...
ISAM ...... human bio-computers in New York City
I SAM ...... and Uncle SAM brain programming experiments
I SON of SAM --->
David Berkowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
David Berkowitz - Murderer - Biography.com 
How Son of Sam Changed Computer Science - Rolling Stone 
www.rollingstone.com/.../how-son-of-sam-changed-americ...Rolling StoneJul 29, 2016 - On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz – known as the Son of Sam – committed the first of his notorious murders in the outer boroughs
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz ...................
.........ul 29,,,,,,,,,,,serial ......da
UL = underwriter labs city of electricity
.... copper atomic number of electrons 29 and IBM VOL= SER ...... data storage
.... copper atomic number of electrons 29 and IBM VOL= SER ...... data storage
Examples of the VOLUME parameter - IBM 
VOLUME parameter - IBM 
If the storage administrator has specified a system default unit name and you do not code ... A specific volume by serial number; The same volume that another data set uses ... A nonspecific volume request is a DD statement for a new data set that can be ... Code a VOLUME parameter but omit a SER or REF subparameter.
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006 --> Sam Berokitz and his prison number
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006
This new data set is assigned to volume serial number 335006 --> Sam Berokitz and his prison number
Initializing volumes for the MVS operating system - IBM 
//EXAMPLE JOB // EXEC PGM=ICKDSF //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A ... The volume serial number is verified before initialization continues and is ... Because the VERIFY(volser) parameter is specified in INIT and 'NOREPLYU' is specified in the JCL, no reply U or T is necessary. ... Initializing a reserve storage pool volume.
The volume serial number is verified before initialization continues
The volume serial number is verified before initialization continues
The volume serial number is verified before initialization continues
--> the initialization process using EARTH LAB human bio-electron specimens
--> the initialization process using EARTH LAB human bio-electron specimens
Initializing volumes for the MVS operating system - IBM 
//EXAMPLE JOB // EXEC PGM=ICKDSF //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A ... The volume serial number is verified before initialization continues and is ... Because the VERIFY(volser) parameter is specified in INIT and 'NOREPLYU' is specified in the JCL, no reply U or T is necessary. ...
Initializing a reserve storage pool volume.
Initializing a reserve storage pool volume.
Initializing a reserve B100D/ Body storage pool volume --> send body to the morgue
Morgue - Wikipedia 
A morgue or mortuary is used for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification or ... There are two types of mortuary cold chambers: Positive ... The first morgue in New York City, opened in 1866 at Bellevue Hospital. In some countries ...,
There are two types of mortuary cold chambers: Positive
There are two types of mortuary cold chambers: Positive
There are
BASE two types of mortuary cold chambers --> COLD start ....
Cold start - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
BIOS Basics -
BIOS Central and software evolution to -->
BIOS Central Nervous System 370 human bio-computer
To get to the operating system, a computer must first boot from the BIOS. ... From initializing the microprocessor to initializing and testing hardware to starting the ... which will tell the BIOS if the system is booting from a cold boot or warm boot.
Booting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
System Boot Sequence - The PC Guide! 
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29, 1976, serial killer David Berkowitz
On July 29 --> pointer to year 2009 and codes -->
Best Actor Sean Penn
......Ac .................Pennsylvania ........
......Ac .................Pennsylvania ........
Alternating cycles .........sylvania light bulbs
geography city ..... like Pittsburg, Phildelphia , etc .....AND
geography city ..... like Pittsburg, Phildelphia , etc .....AND
electriCITY city ...............Pittsburg and the copper wire WAR ZONE in
year 2009 with STANDARD MODEL military agent Richard Poplawski
and the human actors in the rigged jury
and the human actors in the rigged jury
2009 shooting of 3 cops .... Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ... 
Death penalty upheld in the rigged TRIAL of Richard Poplawski in killing of Pittsburgh ... 
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh
20 09 shooting of Pi = 3.14159 in Pittsburgh SYMBOL MACHINE wars
Above Decimal number of 29 copper electrons AND
their IBM electron flow model ....
the Base 16 Hexadecimal Fortran JCL CODE word -->
Gold --> Go 1d --> Go (electron movement and work) Hex'1d' = 29 ......
.feedback pointer to the copper wire .... decimal REALM.2009 shooting of 3 cops .... Pittsburgh police officers -
Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh,
Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh,
Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh,
On April 4, 2009, a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street
in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh,
On April 4, 2009, a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street
in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh,
On April 4, 2009, a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street
in the Stanton Heights neighborhood ......
(Standard Model neighborhood) of
Pi ( Pier Oddone and Pittsburg's / Chicago Maggie Daley)
The Three Pi = 3.14159 physics .... social science story
of the Three Little Pigs
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Country: England
Aarne-Thompson grouping: 124
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers
and IBM base 16 HEX WAR zone
- Wikipedia, the free ... 
a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood
a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood
a shootout occurred at 10 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal range
a shootout occurred at 10 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal range
a shootout occurred at 10 15 with base 16
The Principles of Psychology by Herbert Spencer: 2 
This being understood, let us ask how the coexistence of two things not visible together is known ... In either case there is nothing but a sequence of impressions
The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer - Page 49 - Google Books Result 
Michael Taylor - 2010 - Philosophy
The laws of nature are thus merely descriptions of observed regularities of coexistence and succession in the sequence of phenomena, and are silent about the ...
A Companion to Thomas Hardy - Google Books Result 
Keith Wilson - 2012 - Literary Criticism
Most generally this is a problem which engaged Herbert Spencer and other ... orders - relations of sequence, and relations of coexistence; of which the one is ...
Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior 
Robert J. Richards - 1989 - Psychology
... upon which reality impressed its relations of coexistence and sequence, but did not reveal the rules ... Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology, 2d ed.
upon which reality impressed its relations of coexistence and sequence,
a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood
a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood
a shootout occurred at 10 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal range
a shootout occurred at 10 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal range
a shootout occurred at 10 15 with base 16
Virginia Tech shooting BASE 16 battle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Grand 16 movie theater shooting in Lafayette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Century 16 movie theater shooting in COLOR in Colorado in 2012
- Wikipedia 
Charles Darwin and IBM base 16 computer MANUALS versus
the Emanuel African AF Methods ..... the code range
--> HEX'A' = 10 to Hex'F'=15 shooting
LINK to a parallel EVENT .....
shootout codes (10 15 Base 16)
occurred at .... 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
IBM base 16 and the Emanuel African AF Methods
..... the code range
--> HEX'A' = 10 to Hex'F'=15 shooting
LINK to cover-up of the Base 16 bombing in year 1963
to the Base 16 address space ..1600 Pennsylvania Avenues
and the cover-up of the Base 16 TRAGIC message battle in year 1963 ...
16th Street Baptist Church bombing and
the rigged TRIAL of Richard Poplawski in Pittsburg
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ... 
2009 shooting of 3 copper wire --> 3 agent cops --> Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ... 
Herbert Spencer ......
... upon which reality impressed its relations of coexistence and sequence, but did not reveal the rules ... Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology, 2d ed.
upon which reality impressed its relations of coexistence and sequence,
2009 shooting of 3 copper wire --> 3 agent cops --> Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ... 
2009 shooting of 3 copper wire
20 + 09 = 29 --. message of atomic number 29 ... 3 copper wire and copper atomic mass 63 --> pointer to year 1963
stemming from mother and her 22 -old argument
stemming from MOTHER LAND hertzian 220 argument
On this day in History, John F. Kennedy assassinated on Nov 22, 1963. Learn more about what happened today on History.
Pennsylvania copper wire MURDER system and the
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia, the ...
Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the ...
Morgan Harrington case reminding many of Route 29 Stalker - NBC12 ...
12 Investigates: Women disappearing from Route 29 - NBC12 - WWBT ...
12 Investigates looked at some of the high profile abductions and murders of ... There have been a string of women to go missing in the Route 29 corridor over ...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers. “All we can do is pray for her ...
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 --> 63 HISTORY of copper isotope WARFARE
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963
2009 shooting of 3 copper wire
20 + 09 = 29 --> message of atomic number 29 ...
Pennsylvania copper wire MURDER system and the
Pennsylvania cover-up of the adjacent Virginia Route 29 murders
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia, the ... 
Morgan Harrington case reminding many of Route 29 Stalker - NBC12 ... 
12 Investigates: Women disappearing from Route 29 - NBC12 - WWBT ... 
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA 
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
A long wire Route 29 in Cu = Copper in Cu = Culpeper, VIR --> Ohm's brain electron circuit LAW of Resistance to bull-shit and nonsense
What is a catalog? - IBM 
You can specify all three values on ISPF panels or in JCL. However, the unit device ... A z/OS system always has at least one master catalog. If it has a single ...
Utilities: SyncSort ( a good sort per words above) - DOCWEB 
Jun 27, 2002 - This document briefly describes how to use SyncSort in z/OS (OS/390) to sort an OS data set. ... SyncSort is the only general-purpose sort program supported under z/OS (OS/390) at EI&O. ... by invoking it in your own JCL (// EXEC PGM=SORT,...),
JCL sort / Syncsort - Mainframe Code 
Jun 11, 2013 - JCL SORT or SYNCSORT utility in JCL is used to sort the datasets, merge datasets and copy datasets. Most of the installations change the ...
Syncsort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Founder: Duane Whitlow; Stan Rintel
Headquarters: Woodcliff Lake, New Jer...
Sinclair Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Harry Sinclair Lewis (/ˈluːɪs/; February 7, 1885 – January 10, 1951) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and playwright.
Sinclair Lewis
Sin clair Letter wisconsin
SIN.................................sin wave region /oscillations / Tesla vibrations
Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle 
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
Sinclair Lewis
Sinclair Lewis --> Pointer to Carroll Lewis, England, Europe
Sinclair Left Wisconsin
(the left side of the Atlantic Ocean salt bridge of salt water)
..with Lewis Carroll (facing the North Pole ......
is the east side of the Atlantic Ocean)
Salt bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A salt bridge, in electrochemistry, is a laboratory device used to connect the oxidation and reduction half-cells of a galvanic cell (voltaic cell), a type of of electrochemical cell. It maintains electrical neutrality within the internal circuit, preventing the cell from rapidly running its reaction to equilibrium. ...
Destination Range <--------------------------------- Source Domain
Destination Range <--------------------------------- Source Domain
New EnGland <------------------------------------ England (old England)
Cambridge Mass <--------------------------------- Cambridge university
Left Wisconsin <-------------------------------------- Le Wis --> Lewis Carroll
Alice in Dairyland <---------------------------------- Alice
West Alice (West Allis Wisconsin poetry sound)
G.B. Lewis company , Watertown, Wisconsin <------------------- Great Britain Lewis
Main Street ...... Watertown, Wisconsin and the public library
Main Street Program | Watertown 
City of Watertown, WISCONSIN and its feedback CODES to
the SYMBOL WORLD source domain of England Lewis Carroll 
Above word code
--> Mrs. Crosby Knowton --> Cros + by know + ton
giving --> cross correlation (data) bytes
.... know / knowledge/awareness
--- ton / weight/ 2000 pounds and the problems of BosTON and heavy thoughts
with Ezra Pound poetry and the year 1958 (Iron-58) message LINK to the Boston Marathon 26 mile race bombing of April 15, 2013
Federal court decides to release Ezra Pound - Apr 18, 1958 ... 
A federal court rules that Ezra Pound should no longer be held at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital for the criminally insane in Washington, D.C. Pound has been held for 13 years, following his arrest in Italy during World War II on charges of treason. ... While in prison, his Pisan Cantos ...
Ezra Pound - Apr 18, 1958
Ezra Pound - Apr 18, 1958 --> Fe-58
---> Ferrous oxide IRON atom atomic mass 58
Pound has been held for 13 years
Pound has been held for 13 years
Pound has been held for 13 years
--> EARTH iron core system revenge in year 2013 ..in BostonEzra Pound - Poetry Foundation
Poetry Foundation
In an introduction to the Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot declared that ... Upon his release from St. Elizabeth's in 1958, Pound returned to Italy, where he ...
Ezra Pound - Poetry Foundation
Ezra Pound - P o etry Foundation (with Isaac Asimov of Boston)
Ezra Pound - Podiatry order entry (systems) INTO Computer EARTH geography surface
Boston Family Foot and Leg Center: Top Podiatrist Poetry input
using 2-legs (like using 2-fingers on a computer keyboard ) ..they enter data into the EARTH land/street surface as if it was a KEYBOARD.
What is a Podiatrist? | Education & Professional Development | APMA 
American Podiatric Medical Association
A podiatrist is a doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM), also known as a podiatric physician or surgeon. Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the foot, ankle, leg
The podiatry .... feet/leg ORDER ENTRY system is taught children .....
How to Play Hopscotch: 8 steps or 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow 
www.wikihow.com › ... › Games › Backyard Games
Today, hopscotch is a backyard game enjoyed by children (and lighthearted grown-ups) all over the world. Whether you never learned this game as a child, .
Data entry ...the human weight in pounds ... applies pressure to the EARTH atomic land surface ..as a COMPUTER EARTH keyboard.
The HOP Scotch game is important ..... it standardized the data entry FORMAT
with 8 steps (8 data bits is 1 byte)
or 9 steps (8 data bits and 1 error correction ..parity bit)
with 8 steps (8 data bits is 1 byte)
or 9 steps (8 data bits and 1 error correction ..parity bit)
Fixed-Length Record Formats - IBM 
Record formats - IBM 
Data set record formats - IBM 
Fixed-block architecture of the COMPUTER EARTH
geo-computer city of Baltimore and its city blocks ...fixed city blocks
What is BAL (Basic Assembler Language) and city of BAL --> Baltimore
Record formats - IBM 
Fixed-block architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Fixed-block architecture (FBA) is an IBM term for the hard disk drive (HDD) layout in which each ... IBM's 1964 System/360 introduced their new variable-length record format for their mainframes wherein each record had an optional variable length key block and a variable length data block. IBM mainframe disk storage, ...
Zenith 10-S-669 Console (1941)
Chameleon Facts and the evolution of
SYMBOL LIFE proper nouns into
human identifier formats - Live Science 
www.livescience.com › AnimalsJun 3, 2015 - Chameleons are lizards that are known as one of the few animals that can change skin color.
are known as one of the few ........animals
are known as one of the few...... an i mal s
Leon (the FermiLAB chameleon) are known as one of the few --->
an = atomic number interface male scientists (2-legged human male .... Nature's atomic mail ..post office at fermILAB)
Above agent code --> Leon Mathis --> Math IS --> Math information systems at the University of Chicago in Hyde Park... the region of human aldehyde molecules.
Aldehyde expressions --> alde + hyde --> alderman Hyde Park
- Wikipedia 
The molecule crime region ....
at U of C --> algebra set theory UNION of C = Carbon atoms and their social chemistry
Below, the First mass market edition of Nature's atomic energy systems
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English author George ... Orwell based the character of the heroine of the novel, Julia, on his second wife, Sonia Orwell. ..... In 1984, there is a perpetual war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, the superstates which emerged from a global atomic ...
A Map of George Orwell's "1984" | Big Think 
Big Think
In George Orwell's dystopian novel '1984', the world is ruled by three superstates: • Oceania covers the entire continents of America and Oceania and the British ...
1984 - Why is Oceania only at war with Oceanside, California ? - Science ... 
May 11, 2014 - Oceania, however is always at war with only one. .... ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/o/ orwell/george/o79n/appendix.html and the appendix is written ...
Junior Seau - Wikipedia 
Junior Seau dies at 43 - ESPN.com 
May 3, 2012 - Former NFL great Junior Seau, who played most of his career at ... Seau's death in Oceanside, in northern San Diego County, stunned the region ... of San Diego's lone Super Bowl team who has died, all before the age of 45.
Junior Seau, former NFL linebacker, dead at age 43 ... a SYMBOL MACHINE war casualty ..............
the SYMBOL MACHINE and Principia Mathematica (PM)
the human PROTEIN MACHINE (PM) and its biased social engineering thoughts 
May 2, 2012 - OCEANSIDE, Calif. -- Junior Seau, a homegrown superstar who was the fist-pumping, emotional leader of the San Diego Chargers for 13 years ...
Junior Seau dies at 43 .... Max Planck TIME boundary code 43
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member ... 18 atomic vertical columns....18 families of atoms ....
represented by the bio-physics football TEAM
represented by the bio-physics football TEAM
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oc --> Organic chemistry molecule agents for the gasoline molecule with 18 hydrogen atoms
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pirates team .
and led the 18-member Oceanside Pi = 3,14159 math team .
and the communication problems of
Pi = Pittsburg and the Richard Poplawski rigged TRIAL and
Pi = Pier Oddone , FermiLAB, the Office of Science , the Federal government
and the Department of Energy attitude errors and the
bias social science LANGUAGE problems in discussing energy problems
and the Department of Energy attitude errors and the
bias social science LANGUAGE problems in discussing energy problems
DF]Job Execution Node - IBM 
JES2 job execution commands - IBM 
JES2 allows you to issue commands to control job execution in the following ways: Route specified jobs for execution: Issue the $R XEQ,D= command to route ...
Below, top words --> Human bio-computer SYSTEMS and JOB execution
Queueing Theory and the Queen
www.win.tue.nl/~iadan/queueing.pdfEindhoven University of Technology
by I Adan - 2015 - Related articles
Mar 26, 2015 - 5.2 Mean queue length and mean waiting time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... the course “Algorithmic methods in queueing theory.” The organization is ...
Wall Street journal message
Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon in trouble .. ...his organic chemistry .... molecular reporting ommisssions ...
to CLINTON Street in Chicago year 1975 ...REA --> REALITY and Railway Express Agency
What is the significance of the relationship between
1998 United States embassy bombings - Wikipedia
The Trail Of MATH WAR Evidence
PBSOn August 7, 1998, at approximately 10:30 a.m. local time, two Embassies of the ... Within hours of the bombings, FBI personnel were dispatched to East Africa to ...
1998 U.S. Em (Electro-magnetic life forms that use the human body has a HOST platform) --> embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts - CNN.com
Oct 5, 2013 - (CNN) Here's a look at the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people. Terrorist group al Qaeda ...
Tarzan (book series and secret CODES ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Contents. 1.1 Tarzan of the Apes (1912) 1.2 The Return of Tarzan (1913) 1.3 The Beasts of Tarzan (1914) 1.4 The Son of Tarzan (1914) 1.5 Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916) 1.6 Jungle Tales of Tarzan (1919) 1.7 Tarzan the Untamed (1920) 1.8 Tarzan the Terrible (1921)
Tarzan of the Apes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tarzan of the Apes is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first in a series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published in the pulp magazine All-Story Magazine in October 1912.
Tarzan - Wikipedia
Tarzan (John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke) is a fictional character, an archetypal feral child ... In The Return of Tarzan, Tarzan and Jane marry. .... While Tarzan of the Apes met with some critical success, subsequent books in the ..... A Literary Analysis of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Jungle Tales of Tarzan, McFarland, 2010.
T ar zan and

The Navy denies the existence of the LINKS between the 2 tragic signaling EVENTS
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
The incident happened in an ocean CLASS .......THAT does not exist per Pentagon orders from Washington, DC and its Hollywood thinkers.
What is the significance of the relationship between
the Nietzsche geography disease Cancer and the EARTH frame of reference ..... Tropic of Capricorn ... 
Jun 27, 2015 - The Tropic of Cancer is the circle marking the latitude 23.5 degrees north, where the sun is directly overhead at noon on June 21, the beginning ...
The SYMBOL WORLD and IBM OS/JCL binary --> assigned to proper nouns --> actualization in physical biology with human agent
1998 United States embassy bombings - Wikipedia 
The 1998 United States embassy bombings were attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998, in which over 200 people were killed in nearly simultaneous truck bomb explosions in two East African cities, one at the United States Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the other at the United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya.
Deaths: 224
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Nairobi, K...
Target: United States embassies
Date: August 7, 1998; 10:30 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. ..
The Trail Of MATH WAR Evidence
- Fbi Executive Summary | Hunting Bin Laden ... 
www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/bombings/summary.htmlPBSOn August 7, 1998, at approximately 10:30 a.m. local time, two Embassies of the ... Within hours of the bombings, FBI personnel were dispatched to East Africa to ...
FBI personnel were dispatched to East Africa to ...
FBI personnel were dispatched to East Africa to ...
FermiLAB Batavia Illinois personnel were dispatched to
the base 16 Hex'E' region of the Base 16 hex continuum of A to F ..of Africa.
the base 16 Hex'E' region of the Base 16 hex continuum of A to F ..of Africa.
1998 U.S. Em (Electro-magnetic life forms that use the human body has a HOST platform) --> embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts - CNN.com 
Tanzania Tanzania Tan .... z an i a
Tangent z atomic number interface agent (needed)
Tarzan (book series and secret CODES ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Tarzan of the Apes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Publication date: 1912
Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Publisher: A. C. McClurg
Pages: 400 pp
Tarzan - Wikipedia 
First appearance: Tarzan of the Apes
Created by: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Last appearance: Tarzan: the Lost Adventure
Nationality: English
T ar zan and
Tan......zan --> Tanzania

The Navy denies the existence of the LINKS between the 2 tragic signaling EVENTS
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
The incident happened in an ocean CLASS .......THAT does not exist per Pentagon orders from Washington, DC and its Hollywood thinkers.
IBM Basic Assembly Language and successors - Wikipedia ...
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
BAL: IBM 360/370 Assembly Language
BAL: IBM 360/370 Assembly Language WAR in the BAL-KANs
BAL stands for Basic Assembly Language. This is the assembly language for the IBM 360/370/390 series of computers.
Bosnian War (1992-1995): Bosnia, Intelligence and Clinton ...
Bosnian War (1992 -1995): Bosnia ... concerning the Bosnian War, CIA Intelligence,Clinton ... informing the Clinton Administration about the war in the Balkans.
the Clinton Administration about the war in the Balkans.
the Clinton Administration about the war in the Balkans.
the Clinton Administration about the war in the Balkans.
the Clinton Administration about the war in the Balkansthe C l in Administration about the war in the Balkans.
the Compare Logical instruction Administration about the war in the Bal ....kans.
the Compare Logical instruction Administration about the war in the Bal ....kans.
Above code word --> Emission --> implies --> E mission /project of E
Rand McNally Travel Maps & Directions - Maps.com
Rand McNally - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Playful, seductive, irresistible—this bestselling masterwork of fatal passion and greed introduces Lawrence Sanders's most wickedly charming sleuth. Meet Archy McNally, a freewheeling playboy who specializes is "Discreet Inquires" for the rich and not-so-discreet. Beneath the glaring sun of Palm Beach—and behind the lowest crimes of high…
Rand McNally Travel Maps & BRAIN Directions
with brain traffic LAWS of agent code
--> LAW S --> Lawrence Sanders
- Maps.com
Brain road maps' reflect behavior differences between ...
Neuroscience; February 9, 2016 'Brain road maps' reflect behavior differences between males and females February 9, 2016
The Brain: A Road Map to the Mind - msnbc.com
Above. a bio-math polynomial agent ......
..............................................Mia Farrow
Mia Farrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
María de Lourdes "Mia" Villiers Farrow (born February 9, 1945) is an American actress, activist and former fashion model. She first gained notice for her role as ...
4. The Iron Maiden - 10 Medieval Torture Devices ...
Iron Maiden | Definition of Iron Maiden by Merriam-Webster
Iron maiden | Define Iron maiden at Dictionary.com
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige ...
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra 
Eagle Herald
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis. He was in Tae Kwon Do ...
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 --> iron-54 isotope
as a Li fe Sc out and belonged to Troop 1054
as a ....................................................Tree 10 --> TEN cellulose tree agent
ferrous oxide iron-54 atom with a 26 protons ENGLISH alphabet
SC system of the Sub-Continent of India ........of Nature's UNIVERSAL MIND system ...... thus uses the BOY SCOUT Explorer (BOSE) code to LINK to the
.........................Con den
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige remains ... 
The Plain Dealer

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle 
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies
in the BOTANY chlorophyll green pigment region ...
Green Bay Hospital ............ a C.P. SNOW "TWO Culture's "
..... Social Science ...... neuroscience WAR casualty

Harry --> H arry = Hypothesis array and pointer to Harry Collins
You can't follow the science wars without a battle map - The Economist 
The Economist
Words /sentence--> What is your name?
....................................................rna -->
you are a HUMAN bio-chemistry device with 2 features. ......
....................................................rna -->
you are a HUMAN bio-chemistry device with 2 features. ......
the primary feature.. What is your name?
........................................................rna me --> RNA messenger
Number 1604 --> reference to IBM Base 16 and their failure to deny the REALITY mirrors.
........................................ 24 hours <----> 42 hours (Times Square 42nd Street in Manhattan) ....
thus the common conduit ..for TIME travel between the 2 earthly TIME existences
....24 --> implies Base 2 power 4 --> Base 16 < base 4 power 2 <------ 42
Page reference to 18 --> water molecule mass 18 and the
problems of Watertown, Massachusetts and its citizen approval of the rigged TRIAL of DzhoKhar Tsarnaev
problems of Watertown, Massachusetts and its citizen approval of the rigged TRIAL of DzhoKhar Tsarnaev
Above. line 4 ..proper noun --> Jerry --> Jerry March
aspects of the study of organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structure. A .... I gratefully acknowledge the work of the late Professor Jerry March, upon.
Tom and Jerry - Wikipedia 
Tom and Jerry
ATom and Jerry cartoons
ATom and Jerry car ..carbon message cartoons MARCH
into the life of Jerry March...... evolution to SYMBOL LIFE
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms ... 
www.wiley.com › ... › General Organic Chemistry
John Wiley & Sons
Jerry March
Jerry March, Ph.D. was an organic chemist and a professor of chemistry at Adelphi University. Dr. March authored the acclaimed March's Advanced Organic Chemistry text, which is considered to be a pillar of graduate-level organic chemistry texts. Wikipedia
Bitch - The Online Slang Dictionary 
in courtroom lingo in states where there are habitual offender laws, lawyers have taken to shortening "habitualize" to "bitch". Sometimes a count in the charge ...
Bitch (insult) - Wikipedia 
Bitch is a slang pejorative for a person, commonly a woman, who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, a control freak, rudely intrusive or aggressive. When applied to a man, bitch is a derogatory term for a subordinate.
Dictionary of IBM and Computing Terminology 
Bitch (insult)
Bit of an electron orBIT of .... ch (carbon hydrogen molecule ...... such as human molecules)
that is missing a AL component (alphabets/ algebra/algorithms)
thus orbit (Bit that bitches) needs al ---->
orbit + al --> orbital gestalt completion for a happy THOUGHT molecule
November 2015 Paris (Par + is --> Parallel info systems) attacks - Wikipedia 
Deaths: 137 (130 victims, 7 perpetrators)
Location: Paris and Saint-Denis, France
Date: 21:16, 13 November 2015 –; 00:58, 14 N...
Number of participants: 9
What happened at Batavia Illinois that helped CREATE
the parallel Bataclan? - BBC News - BBC.com 
Three heavily armed gunmen launched an attack at the Bataclan concert hall that ... Image caption Three gunmen stormed into the Bataclan and shot at the ...
George H. W. Bush, SR --> System region
George H. W. Bush ....
Geo rg e .........Bus explains
Geography regeain earth (dat bus) HEX
plains --> Plains, Georgia and
President Carter (carbon tiers )
Computer EARTH and the code region with President Kennedy ...
and political atomic mass --> massachusetts
The atomic bio-physics Kennedy C = Carbon atom --> C at --> Catholic religion
Mass and Confession - St. Olaf Catholic Church 
www.saintolaf.org/mass-and-confession/At St. Olaf, the weekend Eucharist is regularly celebrated at six Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm. Sunday: 6:00 am, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 4:00 pm.
Mass and Confession -
atomic mass and Confession of secret codes -
celebrated at six Masses ..atomic number 6
12:00 noon --> atomic mass of protons + neutrons = 12
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