Saturday, May 19, 2012

Solomons organic chemistry molecule expressions VIA their political science experiment with the University of Wisconsin and the Madison common council.


The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.

The human is composed of  atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.

Then the next level of thought the molecule.

Therefore  political events,  social science happenings    by humans.....are really atomic/molecular  demos of the Margaret Mead  atomic /molecular   families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor /  the human atomic messenger.

Thus we look at Madison, Wisconsin to understand Nature's social and political systems.

Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10
One of 14 seats contested in the spring 2007 elections for the Madison Common Council

Out of every aldermanic district in the city, the tenth is perhaps the most like Madison in miniature. Running from the edge of Camp Randall on the UW campus down bustling Monroe Street and privileged Nakoma Road to the apartments clustered on Allied Drive past the Beltline, the district faces challenges routinely identified as the city's biggest: poverty and growth.

Two candidates -- Chris Ogden and Brian Solomon -- emerged from the primary in their bid to succeed eight-term alder and council dean Ken Golden

Thus we see the script from Solomons organic chemistry 6th edition   page  547

Thus we see applied chemistry with the human element --> modern molecule political science.

group C - O  --> Chris Ogden and his infrared spectroscopy projects ..such as Happy  Heating and Air Conditioning in the Dunn's Marsh neighborhood of the  EARTH  LAB  city of Madison.

aldehyde and carboxylic acid  .....
alde box
alderman Solomon and his automobile trips to Sun Prairie get Nature's messages into the newspaper.

  1. Solomons Organic Chemistry [With CDROMWith Supplement]: John ... › ... › Science & MathematicsChemistryCached
    Solomon's book uses the wrong approach for teaching organic chemistry. Unfortunately, it has become the standard text used at most colleges -- but most ...

    This revised edition presents reaction mechanisms in the context of real functional group chemistry and emphasizes the biological, environmental and medical applications of organic chemistry.

    Includes detailed explanations of mechanisms, structure and theory 

Let's continue with  Madison organic chemistry   and modern  molecule political  science messages that ought be understood.
Chris Ogden vs. Brian Solomon for District 10

Two candidates -- Chris Ogden and Brian Solomon -- emerged from the primary in their bid to succeed eight-term alder and council dean Ken Golden.

Above language
--> m the primary in
--> mathematics primary integers ........thus we see the politics of  even  prime integer 2  and the ODD integers such as  3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23.  The UW math, physics, and engineering departments use
odd  integers and are under the psychological control systems of the ...
gODDess  of  mathematics life ....hence, the theory of puppet string theory of physics.

Let's continue our study of Nature's  humans specimens in  living C= Carbon,  H = Hydrogen,   and O = Oxygen.
WAIT!  What do we see?

CH O --> CH.ris  Odgen

CHris Ogden

undefinedThe Daily Page: Please identify what you consider to be the most important issue in your district and what you are going to do about it.
One of the most important issues in my district is the Verona Road/West Beltline corridor project. I would attempt to change the city's mind about going forward with this. It would have a negative affect on the Allied Drive area, which already has numerous problems to address, air quality and Beltline traffic.

Theoretical Chemistry Institute

Chemistry Career Services   ....with  the 10th district.

Thus we have  the secret Nature of these  gentlemen  ...the  agent  CHO classification ...with the Madison identity of  CHris Ogden.   We have  already discussed  chemistry social/political agent SOLOMON.

What else can we learn from the Madison molecule experiment?
Below, we show the    organic molecule  theoretical  debate between  2 views / 2 sides ....VIA humanoid expressors..

The Isthmus Daily Page newspaper reporter ...writes above ..."in the spring 2007 elections for the Madison CC --> Carbon Carbon organization of  EARTH LAB  humans labeled the Common Council  of Carbon Carbon atoms via atomic bio-physics human communication vehicles for Nature's chemistry government.

Below, we see the spring   that  social chemistry  news writer  (Kristian Knutsen) references.
The writer is  referring to the stretching vibration  (see below) ....which in journalism school they call spring 2007 elections

One of 14 seats contested in the spring 2007 elections for the Madison Common Council.

Notice, the 14 seats ...election  year  2007  ........the secret numbers 
                  14 atomic mass Nitrogen atom with 7 electrons.

Thus we are talking about nitrogenous bases of DNA and their political expressions.

Notice ...more details about Nature's messenger  CHRIS  Odgen.

Chris Ogden, 59, has lived and worked in the district for 30 years and is a lifelong resident of Madison except for four years in the Navy during the Vietnam War.

Thus he was involved with Navy  water molecule tides  and his 4 DNA nucleotides spent 4 years studying tides in the Navy.   Thus we  have interior biology tides ...the  DNA  internal government  nucleotides and the  external government  with the U.S.Navy interaction  the EARTH  government and its ocean tides.

We also have parallel universes on EARTH  .......such as

--> Solomons organic textbook with words /diagrams
--> Solomon of Madison and applied theoretical chemistry
--> now, we have the parallel Solomon Island in Madison comprised of the 10th District

Now lets's compare the theory of
SKU11 = Stock Keeping Unit 11 and the studies done in
District 11    and
District 14 Nitrogenous Bases of DNA and
District 10 ...sandwiched between  these 2 geography regions (see above)

Let's consider the possibility of 2 skull content FORMATS. Keep in mind the EARTH is a warehouse of abstract symbolic ideas algebra equations and Fourier engineering functions, etc.
Every warehouse has an inventory of products (such as math products that become manufactured into  solid object format) ..the symbolic math inventory is keep in SKU = Stock Keeping Units.

 In the EARTH warehouse  your  brain/skull  is  SKU eleven = 11 --> SKU 11.  This  is  the  modern reality of modern EARTH systems and its  inventory contents ..which includes human bio-computers.  That said......let:

--the Brain  Brain skull  model  of Chris Odgen.
--the Brian  Brain skull  model of  Brain Solomon.

Notice that ..using  the 23 chromosome  displacement from zero...we  have the symbolic  model:

symbol    B R A  I  N   -->  CH  O  molecule  model of agent Chris
location   0  1  2  3  4    ...displacement location starting with 0

symbol    B R I A   N   -->  Solomon chemistry model
location   0  1  2  3  4    ...displacement location starting with 0

Thus we see that the 23 chromosome pairs  suggest a  displacement address of 2 and 3.
Those  locations  have 2 different  symbolic  contents  ...that are like mirrors or permutations of each other   AI <----> IA.
But they are unique that may tell us something about the brain organic molecular computer and its thoughts.

Now let's see another molecule difference of these 2 fine human LAB experimental specimens predicted by Lewis Carroll  around  1865.

LEWIS Carroll ....Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?  The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

Now, lets look at CHRIS  age 59   and  BRIAN age 38.

Brian Solomon, 38, and has resided in the district for eight out of his 11 years in town. Holding a master's in public and energy policy from the UW-Madison,

Chris Ogden, 59, has lived and worked in the district for 30 years and is a lifelong resident of Madison except for four years in the Navy during the Vietnam War.

Now  lets look at the theoretical English alphabet of organic chemistry molecules VIA these  2 gentlemen  and their respective  skull   data processing configurations...

Now, here addressing starts with location  1

Alphabet  value --> A   B   C   D  E  F  G   H   I   J      K   L    M
Address location-->1    2    3   4   5  6   7   8   9  10    11   12   13

Now  notice the position  3  --> C
.........................position  8 ---> H

On the left we have  age 38  Brain Solomon
On the right we have  C H  --> CHris Odgen

Lets look again  at CHRIS  age 59   and  BRIAN age 38.
Lets look again  at CHRIS               and               age 38.
Lets look again  at CH                     and                age 38.
Nature's ........alphabet man ......................numeric man

Thus we have a puzzle.   The 38th Parallel  and  CH?
Organic  numeric  equation   3 +  8  =  11 --> SKU 11 mystery.
Organic alphabet  equation   C  + H  = K

The 38th parallel and K........ the
  1. What was the significance of the 38th Parallel during the Korean War › ... › HistoryWar and Military HistoryKorean WarCached - Similar
    Kim Il-sung took power in North Korea. On June 25 June, 1950, communist North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into democratic South Korea. The 38th ...

 Nature's  38th message regarding agent age 38 in year 2007  ..... is to the 10th District comprised of 2  different  lifestyle and geopolitics  areas.

Out of every aldermanic district in the city, the tenth is perhaps the most like Madison in miniature. Running from the edge of Camp Randall on the UW campus down bustling Monroe Street and privileged Nakoma Road to the apartments clustered on Allied  (al lied  = alphabet lied) Drive past the Beltline, the district faces challenges routinely identified as the city's biggest: poverty and growth.
  1. 38th parallel (geopolitics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia - Similar
    ... latitude 38° N that in East Asia roughly demarcates North Korea and South Korea. ... into South Korea · Korean War: military vehicles crossing the 38th parallel ...

    Thus we see the words above
    --> Monroe Street and privileged Nakoma  Road 

    ....................................................edNa  - - - > extended DNA  ---> signal is  not  answered  thus the 
    Nakoma Road  ...state of MIND
    .....coma  Road ..potential  problem ...Nature's warning regarding lack of intellectual attention to the SCIENCE WARS  that have an impact upon society,   economics, etc. 

Thus we have the deeper levels of reality ...on display in Madison atomic/molecular politics.

The Carl Jung molecular collective unconsciousness has managed to get some messages to the surface of consciousness ......thus enabling me to write this blog.
In my case ...I have the Solomon college organic chemistry textbook..
The DA in my brain is  DATA  and DA = Differential Amplifiers  ....concepts useful in thinking  by brain electron circuits of thought.

  1. Differential amplifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    A differential amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that amplifies the difference between two voltages but does not amplify the particular voltages.

Thus the question is...what are  the University of Wisconsin  atomic/molecular political scientists up to?
Why won't the university English department help explain the guinea-pig experiments ....and why won't they help explain the Virginia TECH  English language manipulation  ERRORS or the NIL, COLE HALL Oceania shooting over George Orwell book 1984.

Perhaps,their exist some graduate students, professors, or curious individuals who have not been hypnotized by the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology battles on televisions, radio, and print. Many authors forwarded us about that possibility ......and it has happened.   Those interested  ....can spread  the word and help clarify the many remaining  pieces of these messages from Nature ...about us..

CONTACT --> Principle science researcher: HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA

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